I'm linking this post up with Tatertots & Jello's Weekend Wrap Up Party! Go check out all the great ideas!
Don't forget to sign up for my necklace giveaway! Wouldn't you like to win this cute little Songberrie necklace? Go here for the giveaway.
I wanted to show you a project I've been working on for a special birthday present. I made it out of two drop cloths! Yup, they wash up nice and soft and the price is right, $6.95 each at Walmart! So scroll down and look at my pictures, this is my Works For Me Wednesday tip, drop cloths are not just for painting!
This is the quilt that I made my grandson Reese for his 5th birthday. My daughter Jennie is doing a pirate theme in his room, so I made his quilt out of two drop cloths. Yup, I bought 2, 9x6 foot drop cloths at Walmart. I tea dyed the top and painted the pictures on with craft paint.
A ship and one of the pockets is just above it.
A sea monster and there's one of the pockets to the left.
This is skull island. When we were tying the quilt I realized I had put a tie on the top of his head, so just for fun, I added some more!
Mermaids on the rocks.
This is treasure island, with an "X" on the treasure pocket.
Dolphins, in this part of the picture you can see the dashed lines for the route.
This is the compass.
These are the little treasures I put in the 5 pockets I sewed on the quilt top. The treasures are, strands of beads, coins, plastic fish, 2 magnifying glasses, a fish that grows in water and a little flashlight.Be sure to check out everyone else's ideas over at We Are That Family!
Have you ever heard of the Watergate Scandal? This is a recipe that was going around back in the day. It's really good and super simple! I made it for St. Patrick's Day, but it's a nice treat anytime. I haven't made it in years, and it was a big hit with the family!
Watergate Cake With Cover Up Frosting1 yellow cake mix
1 small package pistachio pudding, instant
water, oil and eggs as called for in the cake mix
Cover Up Frosting1 small tub Cool Whip
1 small package pistachio pudding, instant
Heat oven to 350 degrees.
Spray a 9x13 inch pan with Pam.
Whisk cake mix with pudding mix, add eggs, water and oil as called for and mix well. Pour into pan and bake according to package directions. Cool.
For FrostingIn a bowl whisk the cool whip and pistachio pudding mix. Spread on cooled cake.
Jen at 11th Heaven's Homemaking Haven, life in mexico {and other places} a picture a day, 365 Days of TV-Free Toddler Time, and Mega-Family Blogs is giving away nearly $100 worth of Hot Tamale Dinner Ware...This, to be exact......and this...
To enter, go HERE!
Carol! The quilt is absolutely marvelous. You should be so proud of yourself. I LOVE it. What a lucky grandson you have and he is going to love the treasures. You crafty gal you! I am super impressed. The watergate cake cracks me up! I'm totally trying it!
That quilt is beautiful .... what a talented person you are!
Wow! That turned out GREAT! He is going to LOVE it!!! I've got to get Jay to finish up his new bed so we have somewhere to put it! lol!
that quilt is super cute! what a lucky boy. I just wanted to let you know that you won the Scribble It Vinyl giveaway on our blog. I am leaving town tomorrow afternoon and would love it if you could email me your contact info before noon so I can forward it to the right people and get you your prize. Thanks for following our blog and good luck with future giveaways!
I love your pirate themed quilt so much I linked to it here:
Very clever idea - your grandson is lucky.
Scarlett Burroughs
Quilting Editor, Craft Gossip
that quilt does look like a lot of fun for a 5 year old. My boys would love it, too :)
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