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Thursday, May 26, 2011

20 Years Younger~Book Review



It's time to turn back the clock! In 20 YEARS YOUNGER, Bob Greene offers readers a practical, science-based plan for looking and feeling their best as they age. The cutting-edge program details easy and effective steps we can all take to rebuild the foundation of youth and enjoy better health, improved energy, and a positive outlook on life. The four cornerstones of the program are: an exercise regimen for fighting muscle and bone loss, a longevity-focused diet, sleep rejuvenation, and wrinkle-fighting skin care. Woven throughout the text is practical advice on changing appearances, controlling stress, staying mentally sharp, navigating medical tests, and much more. Readers will walk away with a greater understanding of how the body ages and what they can do to feel-and look-20 years younger.

This book is about everything that you've heard and learned with more, all wrapped up in a nice book. There is really some great advice here. I enjoyed reading this book. You're never too young or too old to start doing any of his tips or techniques.  I’m find that it's particularly important, at this stage in my life, to pay attention to my exercise, eating, skin and sleep habits!

~I received a product sample in order to write my review. I received no monetary compensation. All opinions expressed are mine.

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