Whether it's plates, bowls and cups for the table or lunch kits, sport bottles and food containers for meals on the go, Zak! |

Zak Designs sent me this wonderful set of Confetti Bowls and I just love them! The colors are so bright and vibrant! I have been wanting a new set of bowls and these have been so fun to use!
Zak Designs is giving the same set of bowls to one lucky Songberries follower! To enter visit Zak Designs and tell me something else that you love and be sure you're a follower, leave me a comment telling me your favorite!
For extra entries you may~
1)Blog about this giveaway (with a link to me &Zak Designs)(leave me a link)~5 entries~leave 5 comments
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4)Update your Facebook status with the giveaway~3 entries~leave 3 comments
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8)Grab my button(leave me a link to your blog&tell me where to find it)~5 entries~leave 5 comments
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10)Sign up for any of my other giveaways(top right side of my blog)~2 entries each~leave 2 comments
11)Follow me on Networked Blogs(Right side of my blog)~3 entries~leave 3 comments
I want to thank Zak Designs for sponsoring this giveaway. This giveaway is open to US Residents only and will close October 1, 2010 at 12am.
~I received a product sample in order to write my review. I received no monetary compensation. All opinions expressed are mine.
1 – 200 of 205 Newer› Newest»Oh I like them all, the batter bowls are pretty cool,my MIL has one of those and I like using it.
love the spoon and fork set for baby, so cute
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I love the Lotus Serving Bowls.
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I love the bright colored mixing bowls!
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I am a follower, and I like their red and orange stackable canisters too!
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Nice! I like the Lotus serving bowls, too! sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
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I like Zak Designs on FB (janice alvarez herberger) sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
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My daughter would love the Disney Fairies Lunch Bag.
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I really like the Mirage - Serve Bowl
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The kiwi color chip N dip tray is cute!
marysa at marysa dot com
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I like the stacking canisters. These would be nice for getting things organized. Thank you for the giveaway and chance to win.
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I think I just had too much fun visiting the Zak site! I'm so tired of boring kitchen utensils and supplies so I loved their rainbow bowls and measuring spoons! I also love purple and green together, and so was amazed to see some bowls in orchid and lime. Love it! I'm a follower...
foreignquang at gmail dot com
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foreignquang at gmail dot com
I already like Songberries on Facebook!
foreignquang at gmail dot com
I also signed up for the anytime costumes giveaway.
foreignquang at gmail dot com
I also signed up for the anytime costumes giveaway.
foreignquang at gmail dot com
i like the willow hiball tumblers.
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entered Element Bars sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
I like the Cars sport bottle.
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