It's the 21st century. Our lives are busy and our bodies are in need of toning. Welcome to an affordable and effective product - Trim Treads!
Trim Treads were designed by a medical doctor to improve circulation in her ob-gyn patients. The shoes do that, but through research and study we have found they offer many other fitness benefits as well.
These days we care about our health, bodies and well being more than ever before. At the same time, we have become busier than ever. Trim Treads help you work on everything at once and balance it all, simply by wearing our shoes while doing the things you need to be doing.
Chores around the house - cooking and cleaning, laundry, making beds, going back and forth in the office (or home) to the fax and phone, strolling the little ones, taking the dog out, getting the mail - why not wear Trim Treads and improve posture, increase circulation, build lean muscle, burn calories, and decrease lower back pain at the same time?
Trim Treads still believes in the gym and working out but Trim Treads help us stay on track if/when we miss a workout.

I couldn't wait to try my Trim Treads! I wore them around the house for about 30 minutes and boy did my calves feel it later! Sloan couldn't wait to try them out, so she wore them around the house and said the same thing, her calves could feel it.I've worn them for a quick walk around the block, and I especially like them for when I haven't gotten a good workout in in the morning!
The adorable and chic Trim Treads sandals resembled generic flip flops, though they are cut similar to classic Japanese Geta sandals (half clog, half sandal). For flip flop style footwear, the $39 price tag was a little steep, on it's own, but when you consider the 'other' toning footwear price tags, they're a deal.
I learned Trim Treads were designed by a doctor in effort to improve circulation in her OBGYN patients. Found to be effective for that purpose, through testing, this unique footwear was discovered to have many other benefits. Wearing Trim Treads for just 30 minutes a day while doing everyday errands and chores is believed to improve posture, burn calories, tone legs, improve balance, and lift the buns! I contacted the company, and requested a pair to review for myself.
Trim Treads are also available in warm winter boots, and clogs. They don't come in half sizes, and run a little big, so it's recommended you purchase a size smaller when shopping. If you're wondering how Trim Treads compare to walking in traditional flat soled shoes, the company explains they are similar to a stair master workout.
Mandatory Entry: You must follow Songberries AND visit Trim Treads and tell me the name of the color sandals you would choose.
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8)Grab my button(leave me a link)~6 entries~leave 6 comments
I want to thank Trim Treads for sponsoring such a great giveaway. This giveaway is open to US Residents only and will close September 3, 2010 at 12pm.
I would get the black sandal
cheapskate4life at
I like Songberries on facebook (Emma Baumann)
cheapskate4life at
Following Trim Treads on facebook
cheapskate4life at
I'm a public GFC
I'd select the Trim Tread Sandals in Grass
flophasit at yahoo dot com
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I LIKE Songberries on facebook. I'm victoria lester on fb.
I LIKE Songberries on facebook. I'm victoria lester on fb.
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I LIKE Songberries on facebook. I'm victoria lester on fb.
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I LIKE Trim Treads on facebook. I'm victoria lester on fb.
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I LIKE Trim Treads on facebook. I'm victoria lester on fb.
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I'm a follower that loves the plain old black sandals!
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I would love the purple ones!
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I follow Songberries and I like the black sandels
i love the black ones!
I foolow you on songberries and facebook...I love the black ones!
I foolow you on songberries and facebook...I love the black ones!
i would get the black ones
entered laura elizabeth giveaway entry 1
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I would get the black sandals.
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com
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Entered the lora elizabeth giveaway
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com
Entered the lora elizabeth giveaway
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com
i'm a follower and I'd get the cobalt blue sandal. sammiejanL40 at aol dot com
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